
"Working with Kevin was delightful and edifying. He is gifted with diligence and creativity. His yeoman efforts made my work better in every respect. I am certain that Kevin's involvement in my work has resulted in it being more helpful and useful to Christ's church."

Anthony Selvaggio
A Proverbs-Driven Life
Timeless Wisdom for Your Words, Work, Wealth, and Relationships

     Shepherd Press (2008)

Click here for more testimonials.


Substantive Editing

Substantive editing is the most intensive service I offer, but also the most frequently utilized. It subsumes line editing, and may be preceded by consulting or a directed rewrite. Substantive editing can involve:

_ reordering
_ restructirng
_ retitling
_ revising
_ rewriting
_ reducing
_ expanding

Any and all aspects of the book may be altered, including:

_ Parts (chapters gathered under a theme)
_ titles and subtitles
_ chapters
_ illustrations
_ paragraphs
_ sentences
_ epigraphs

The liberties an editor needs to perform a substantive edit require a high level of trust, one which I am honored to be given on a regular basis by authors and publishers.