Editorial Services Overview I offer the following services for existing manuscripts. _ Manuscript Review
_ Line Editing
_ Directed Rewrite
_ Substantive Editing
Christ Formed in You
The Power of the Gospel for Personal Change
Brian Hedges
Foreword by Donald Whitney
Sexual Detox
A Guide for Guys
Tim Challies
(re-edit of existing booklet)
Red Like Blood
Joe Coffey, Bob Bevington
Good Mood, Bad Mood (Working title. On psychiatry, Scripture, and mental illness]
Dr. Charles Hodges
Now Serving
Worship in Action
Nate Palmer
Broken-Down House
Living Productively in a World
Gone Bad
Paul Tripp
@BDHouse, website
Get Outta My Face!
How to Reach Angry, Unmotivated Teens with Biblical Counsel
Rick Horne
@outtamy, outtamy.com
When Sinners Say "I Do"
Discovering the Power of the Gospel for Marriage
Dave Harvey
@WSSID, wssid.com
"Kevin Meath, editor extraordinaire...pushed aside a backlog of projects to serve this [book] project. His editing resulted in a serious upgrade."
– Dave Harvey
When Sinners Say "I Do"
Discovering the Power of the Gospel for Marriage
Shepherd Press (2007)
Click here for more testimonials.
Editorial Services Overview I offer the following services for existing manuscripts. _ Manuscript Review
_ Line Editing
_ Directed Rewrite
_ Substantive Editing