Shepherd Press offering Paul Tripp bargains
Thursday, October 29, 2009 at 2:34PM
Kevin Meath in General, Interesting, Publishing

Twitter followers of BDHouse will have two special 24-hour opportunities from Shepherd Press.

Monday, November 2
Starting at 7:00 am ET, and running for 24 hours, they will be able to buy Broken-Down House for 55% off, a better deal than Amazon's free-shipping option. Limit: one per customer.

However, anyone interested in Paul Tripp's Lost in the Middle: Mid-Life and the Grace of God (, probably should wait...

Monday, November 9
Starting at 7:00 am ET, and running for 24 hours, you could get Lost in the Middle free when you buy Broken-Down House at full price. This is also a better deal than what Amazon is offering. Limit: one per customer.

Excerpts from Broken-Down House (15 of them and counting) and more details about the sales are here.

Article originally appeared on Kevin Meath (
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